About Us

Our Journey

AltText.io was born out of a combination of necessity and frustration. As seasoned professionals in the tech industry, we recognized a glaring gap: creating alt text for images was a crucial task for modern websites—vital for both SEO and accessibility—but there was no efficient, automated solution available. This task often fell on human copywriters who had to manually generate alt text whenever a new image was added to a WordPress blog or main site, a process prone to errors and omissions.

Our founders saw an opportunity in the latest advancements in deep learning, computer vision, and AI technology. They envisioned a tool that could automatically generate accurate, SEO-friendly alt text without the need for human intervention. This innovation would eliminate the risk of missed alt text, spelling errors, and grammar mistakes, and reduce the threat of ADA compliance issues. Thus, AltText.io was born—a solution designed to ensure that every image on your site is fully optimized, effortlessly.

Our Team

At AltText.io, our team is composed of tech industry veterans with over 60 years of combined experience in software architecture, machine learning, and product management. Our backgrounds include work with some of the biggest names on the internet, where we witnessed firsthand the challenges of producing efficient and effective web content. With this wealth of experience, we are dedicated to making web accessibility and SEO simple, efficient, and stress-free for everyone.